ບົດຈົບຊັ້ນ Topic: Teaching Reading


Chapter I
1. Background and the important of study
1.1 Background
          Ban Hom Lower secondary school is one of school that depend on the education and sports of Hartsayfong district and the department of education and sport of Vientiane Capital. The school is located in the central of Chiumpang village. And has a total area of 3 km. it share border with
- Chomthong village to the north
-Chiumpang village to the south
-Farm land to the east
- Hom tai to the west
The campus consist of 3 building, content 4 levels, one meeting room, two toilets. Ban Hom Lower secondary school is in service of the many primary school of Hartxayfong district. Ban Hom secondary school has 31 teacher and the number of students 377, women204 the learning –teaching of school is based on the curriculum of Lao P.D.R by student be center.
     For our learning-teaching process at Ban Hom Lower Secondary, we have fond more the problems in the training session and step of teaching. It was not effective because the local teacher has not more techniques in teaching especially teaching Reading. Teacher don’t teach by curriculum, teach by textbook and teacher don’t use teaching aids, teacher don’t give students to think. Moreover, Teacher don’t have drillings techniques, don’t elicit new vocabularies and students don’t work in pairs or group.
1.2 The Important of study
     English language is very important. People around the world decide to study it as second language to contact with other countries. Many countries include English as a second language at their school syllabus and children start learning English at a young age. Nowadays, Lao country is more developing in education. All learners in Laos want to study English and English language is provided as a second language for learning-teaching systematization. Reading is the most important part for all learners because reading make our pronunciation fluently, to understand about the situation deeply. Learners can use English language for own vacation in the future. Manmany SYSOMBATH (2010) :  Learning English Step by Step.
      For our teaching – learning process at Ban Hom Lower secondary school in the period of teaching training was not effective because the teacher does not have many techniques of teaching in particularly teaching reading skill an d we could not attract students’ interest, students did not involve in our teaching and they cannot read or pronounce some vocabularies in the text such as: attended, baby, since, got, studied .in book3, English for Lao secondary school, Unit4, NEW NEIGHBOURS lesson 3, Since and for Activity 3: read, on page 46. So we are very interested in this topic and chose it to be our final report.
2. Objective of study
2.1 Objective
·         To get a good atmosphere and successful in searching techniques for teaching reading skill in lower secondary school.
·         To support students to read and pronounce, know the meaning of vocabularies in the text.
3. Scope of study
3.1 scope of unit and lesson
     The scope of unit and lesson that we use to be our report this time is English subject for Lao secondary school, Unit4, NEW NEIGHBOURS lesson3, Since and For Activity 3: read, on page 46
3.2 Scope of teaching method
     For our teaching practice especially is teaching reading we divided into three stage: Pre-reading, while reading, and Post-reading.
3.3 scope of time and place
     The school that we had training is Ban Hom Lower secondary school, Hartxayfong district, Vientiane capital. And been training in semester 2, academic year 2016-2017 with students M3/1 class, the total students is 30 people, 17 females. It took 90’ minutes of teaching  period.
4. Expected outcome
·        To ourselves:
Teachers are able to get a good atmosphere, successful in searching for teaching reading skills in lower secondary school.

·         To students:
  Students are able to read, understand the meaning of vocabularies in the text.

                                   Chapter II
                              Literature review

      According to Richards and Schmidt, Longman Dictionary of language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (2002), reading strategies refers to the ways of accessing the meaning of texts, which are employed flexibly and selectively in the course of reading. Such strategies include keeping main idea in mind, guessing unknown words from context where possible and stopping stop and re-reading when you don’t understand.
    Reading strategies are often divided into three stage: a) before reading: e.g preview, set purpose for reading b) during reading e.g monitor comprehension, adjust purpose and c) after reading: summarize text.
      It states that reading strategies are the comprehension process readers can use each stage of reading to understand texts on their own.
1.     Pre-reading strategies
Pre-reading strategies are relevant to two way key words which are anticipation and prediction. The purpose of using pre-reading strategies are following:
·         Activate prior knowledge on the topic of the text.
·         Preview the passages to look for key vocabulary in the text
·         Analyze text structure and features
·         Make predictions about the passage before read
·         Determine the purpose of the passage readers are about to read
·         Generate questions about the passage before they read
      Pre-reading strategies are employed when readers encounter text, they read the text for clues to find meaning and predict the content before they start reading. Pre-reading strategies usually don’t require much reading and writing. However, they should require students’ interaction so that student share knowledge and ways of thinking.
2.     While-reading strategies
     While or during reading strategies help readers construct meaning from text, develop fluency, and make connections to the real world. Strategies utilized during reading should require readers to interact with the text and reflect, analyze, make inferences, draw conclusions, state opinions, distinguish between fact and fiction, distinguish between cause and effect, identify main ideas and problems. The readers use while reading strategies to evaluate the meaning of text they read. If the meaning they get is inaccurate, they will sue fix-it strategies to construct new understanding that fix the new information. In addition, during reading strategies focus on problem-solving skills readers use to monitor their understanding of the text. The strategies include word attack skills, vocabulary work, visualizing details, rereading for clarification, and adjusting the pace of reading in order to construct meaning. Readers develop a repertoire of strategies in order to extract meaning from text.
Using pre-reading strategies will help the readers as following:
·         Clarify and review what has happened so far.
·         Confirm or create new predictions.
·         Critically evaluate the story and make personal connections
·         Make connection with other experiences or books.
·         Monitor the reader’s reading for meaning and accuracy.
3.     Post-reading strategies
      Post or after reading strategies help readers read between and beyond the lines. They respond to what was read readers revisit a selection to closely examine elements of the text to achieve deeper levels of understanding. There two types of post –reading strategies, first, organizing or reconstructing strategies including summarizing, drawing conclusions about an author’s main or theme, second, evaluative strategies including evaluating or making judgments or doing critical reading about an author’s message. Using post-reading strategies will help the readers as following:
·         Reinforce the concept that reading is for understanding the meaning of the text, making connections.
·         Model ways of thinking through organizing the information they have taken in from reading a text.
·         Encourage critical think and personal  response
·         Build awareness of common themes and structures in literature.
     It is necessary to state that post-reading activity almost always depend on the purpose of reading the time of information extracted from the text. Post-reading exercises first check students’ comprehension and then lead students to a deeper analysis of the text. In the real world the purpose of reading is not memorize an author’s point of view or to summarize text content, but rather to see into another mind, or to mesh new information into one already knows

    Van Duzer (1999) recommend that: For implementing a theory of reading which will help to develop learner’s abilities. The teachers must consider the text characteristics, before pre-reading, During-reading, and After-reading.
§  Texts should contain words and grammatical structures familiar to the learners. Moreover, teachers should choose the text that suitable for students and it is interested for them.
§  In pre-reading, teachers can introduce the vocabularies that focus on language awareness such as: finding synonyms, antonyms and related words. Teachers should encourage students to use their background knowledge in to text, brainstorm ideas to think about meaning of the title, discuss what they know about text.
§  Sometime teachers can be directed in pre-reading as some vocabulary and ideas in the text are explained it can lighten students’ reading in while-reading.

     But Steinhofer (1996) recommend that in pre-reading will not take a very long time to carry out, the purpose is to overcome the common motivate or stimulate to start reading text from the beginning. While-reading: to encouraging students active reading. They consist of summarizing, reacting or showing abilities, questioning, arguing, evaluating and placing a text with one’s own experience. These processes are most challenge to students interested in reading. And one thing they will understand with what they are reading without coming between them and the text presents to teachers.
      According to Ur (1996), Vaezi (2001), and Fitzgerald (1995) they use following strategies:
Making predictions: students must think what is going to happen to the text and combine what has come with what is to come.
Making selections: students who are experience in reading, they make decisions about their reading.
Integrating prior knowledge: The typical planning that has been activate in the pre-reading part. Teacher test students’ knowledge before lesson.
Re-reading: Readers should be encouraged to become sensitive to the effect of reading on their comprehension.
Making use of context or guessing: readers should not be encouraged to define and understand every single unknown word in a text. Instead they should learn to make use of context to guess the meaning of unknown words.
Breaking words into their comprehension parts: To keep the process of comprehension ongoing, efficient readers change words into their bases. These parts can help readers guess the meaning of a word.
Paraphrasing: while reading texts it may be necessary to paraphrase and interpret text order to relate what was comprehension.
Monitoring: teacher monitor their students’ understanding to evaluate whether text that relate to the reading text.
    In this activity almost always depend on the purpose of reading and the type of information extracted from the text, first check students’ comprehension and then lead students to a deeper analysis of the text, group discussion will help students focus on information that they did not comprehend, or did comprehend correctly.


Chapter III

1.    Teaching-learning process
  In the teaching-learning, we prepared some pictures, we use “Pre-reading, While-reading, post reading” with the teaching aids such as: lesson plan, Flipchart, pictures, text book.
v Pre-reading
- T shows picture of Somphone and asks Ss to guess and list down to their note book, who is he? Where does he from?
- Teacher shows picture of Somphone’s family and asks whose family is this?  How many people are there in Somphone’s family?
- Teacher present new vocabularies from the text then, leads student drill by use four techniques of drilling and write on the board.
v While-reading
- Teacher asks students to read the text and check for their prediction in above is it correct or incorrect, then teacher lead students to check together.
- Teacher asks students to work in group of six to read the text and underline all “past participle” as they can see.
- Teacher asks students to read the text again and answer the questions by using informations of Somphone, say whether the sentence is “True” or “false”.
v Post-reading
-Teacher asks students to write about themselves how many people are there in their family?
- Teacher asks students to change the paper to each other and read the information of their friends.

2.    The difficulties
    In the teaching reading stage we faced many problems such as students did not involve in our teaching and could not attract students’ interest beside that, students cannot pronounce vocabularies due to the teacher doesn’t have a variety technique of teaching reading skill and doesn’t have much experience in teaching.

3.    Solution
   For solution of the problems which students did not involve in our teaching, and we cannot attract students’ interest, moreover, some students can read the vocabularies
- Teacher help each other control the class
- Teacher elicited the difficult words from the text and leads the students drill by using four techniques until students can pronounce words correctly.

Chapter IV

     According to the theories of teaching reading, that I have discovered the techniques from internet and the teacher have taught in reading lesson, it has varieties techniques for teaching reading in English from the internet website and books of teaching reading techniques that we compare to our teaching reading experience.
   The first theory as Richards and Schmidt(2002) Technique of Teaching Reading strategies are often divided into three stage:
§  Before reading: preview, set purpose for reading
§  During reading: Monitor comprehension, adjust purpose
§  After reading: summarize text
       The second theory as Van Duzer (1995), Steinhofer, Ur 91996), Vaezi (2001), and Fitzgerald (1995). These five authors had an agreement to use three stages of teaching reading such as: pre-reading and after-reading but sometime they sometime had opposite theories as Van Duzer said that, teachers can be directed in pre-reading as some vocabulary and ideas in the text are explained it can lighten students’ reading in while –reading. But Steinhofer (1996) recommend that in pre-reading will not take a very long time to carry out, the purpose is to overcome the common motivate or stimulate to start reading text from the beginning. According to Ur (1996), Vaezi (2001), and Fimulate (1995) in pre-reading, readers should be encouraged to become sensitive to the effect of reading on their comprehension.

    When compare between the theory mention above and our real teaching in class room, we have known that there are many tactics of teaching reading. But we did only some tactics in our teaching-learning. We can evidently the similarities and the differences between the theory and our real teaching implementation in the class room.
              In the pre- reading and post reading activities.
·         In the pre reading
-          Discuss bout the topic with the students to make the student familiar with the topic and know what they are going to read and then, the teacher presents new vocabularies in the text by showing the flipchart and leads the student drills by using four techniques of drilling.
·         Post reading the teacher asks the students to write about their family such as how many people are there in their family? What are their parents’ occupations? Then asks them to change the paper to each other and read informations of their friend for the whole class.
      According to the theories in while reading there are some activity that we did not do in the while reading stage such as: rereading for clarification, and adjusting the pace of reading in order to construct meaning, making selection, breaking words into their component part paraphrasing. The Cause of the teacher couldn’t do these activities, because the teachers doesn’t have enough time to do all these activities  teacher just lead students some activities that suitable in our real class room.

Chapter V
Conclusion and Recommendation

1.     Conclusion
    Based on our teaching practice especially, teaching reading, we have found that using three steps of teaching reading is very successful. Because students to be ready before reading the text such as: in Pre-reading teacher shows the pictures and ask students to guess, the students have reasons to read for example: read the text for underline all past participle, or do “True” or “False” exercise, Therefore, three steps of teaching reading make good atmosphere, students involved in our teaching, students can read and also pronounce the vocabularies that teacher has provided in the text correctly.
2.     Recommendation:
o   We would like to commend to the next generations to concentrate to study and find out many information that related your final report particularly teaching reading techniques.
o   Research for the theory before go to teaching practice.


English For Secondary Schools. Book3 Unit4 NEW NEIGHBOURS lesson3, Since and For Activity 3: read, on page 46

Richards and Schmidt, Longman Dictionary of language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (2002)

Van Duzer (1995), Steinhofer, Ur 91996), Vaezi (2001), and Fitzgerald (1995).

